I think this question is more related to Lucene query search but I'm posting 
here becuase I feel more "Solr User" :-)

I have multiple value field named field1 containint codes separated by a space

<field name="id">doc1</field>
<field name="field1">A BB1 B BB2 C BB3</field>
<field name="field1">A CC1 B CC2 C CC3</field>
<field name="id">doc2</field>
<field name="field1">A BB1 B FF2 C FF3</field>
<field name="field1">A YY1 B BB2 C KK3</field>

I would like that my query: 

q=field1:("A BB1" AND "A BB2")

returns only doc1. At the moment is returning doc1 and doc2.

Any way to "force" query on a per single field instance and not considering 
"multivalued" as a unique string?
Looking at proximity search I saw that is working only on two term distance 
not on two phrase distance.

Any suggestion or ideas?

Thank you.


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