On Nov 22, 2010, at 6:21 AM, sivaprasad wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to write a custom component which will be invoked before the query
> parser.The out put of this component should go to the query parser.

Probably best to start with http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrPlugins.  Also, 
have a look at the existing components, such as the TermsComponent or 
QueryComponent or SpellCheckComponent.

You might also want to consider explaining more what you are after 
(http://people.apache.org/~hossman/#xyproblem) before you go down the path.  
Perhaps there is a way to do what you are after already?  Or perhaps you could 
just write a QParser that does what you need?

> How can i configure it in solrConfig.xml

See the example, as it shows how to do it for the SpellCheckComponent.

> How can i get SynonymFilterFactory object programmatically.

You should be able to just construct one.

Grant Ingersoll

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