
I've built a schema for a proof of concept and it is all working fairly
fine, niave maybe but fine.
However I think we might run into trouble in the future if we ever use

The data models train destination city routes from a origin city:
    Name: cityname [uniq key]
    CityType: city type values [nine possible values so good for faceting]
    ... [other city attricbutes which relate directy to the doc unique key]
all have limited vocab so good for faceting
    FareJanStandard:cheapest standard fare in january(float value)
    FareJanFirst:cheapest first class fare in january(float value)
    FareFebStandard:cheapest standard fare in feb(float value)
    FareFebFirst:cheapest first fare in feb(float value)
    ..... etc

The question is how would i best facet fare price? The desire is to return

number of citys with jan prices in a set of ranges
number of citys with first prices in a set of ranges

install is 1.4.1 running in weblogic

Any ideas ?

Lee C

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