On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Brian Whitman <br...@echonest.com> wrote:
> Hi, if you comment out the block in solrconfig.xml
> <!--
>   <autoCommit>
>      <maxDocs>10000</maxDocs>
>      <maxTime>600000</maxTime>
>    </autoCommit>
> -->
> Does this mean that (a) commits never happen automatically or (b) some
> default autocommit is applied?

Commented out means they never happen automatically (i.e., no default).
In general commitWithin is a better strategy to use... bulk updates
can use a large value (or no value w/ explicit commit at end) for
better indexing performance, while other updates can use a smaller
value depending on how soon the update needs to be visible.


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