: That's fine - it could be a Solr bug too.

it definitely looks like a generic solr bug.

(in the writeSolrDocument method that supports psuedo-fields)

    writeMapOpener(-1); // no trivial way to determine map size

(in which PHPSerializedWriter extends JSONWriter)...

  public void writeMapOpener(int size) throws IOException, 
IllegalArgumentException {
        // negative size value indicates that something has gone wrong
        if (size < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map size must not be 

...it looks like PHPSerializedResponseWriter is fundementally broken.

I suspect the origin of hte problem is that PHPSerializedWriter overrides 
"writeDoc" and that prevented the writeMapOpener(-1) from ever happening, 
but then "writeSolrDocument" was added which PHPSerializedWriter doesn't 
override that.


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