: Is it possible to remove the QueryNorm??
: so all the bf boost became an add of the solr score??

queryNorm is just a normalizing value applied equally to every clause - it 
won't change the relative ordering of any docs, it just helps to ensure 
that your scores don't sky rocket so high that floating point rounding 
loses precision.

if you really wnat to remove it, you need to write a custom Similarity 

: omitNorm is about fieldNorm or queryNorm??

omitNorm is as fieldType option specific to fieldNorm.

: > fieldNorm is the combination of length of the field with index and query
: > time boosts.

that not correct -- fieldNorm is the combination of the lengthNorm with 
the index time boosts (which can either be field specific or can come from 
a doc boost) -- it's not affected by query time boosts at all.


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