: As Solr's standard date faceting does not appear to meet this need, we will
: need to use faceting on arbitrary queries, i.e. by passing multiple values
: for facet.query

correct, facet.date is really just a convincence feature over using 
facet.query when you want lots of consistently sized ranges.

: The question:
: Any tips or suggestions for ensuring this performs well?

one crucial tip: "round"

you'll want to ensure that you use rounded dates so that the queries can 
be cached effectively...

facet.query=pub:[NOW/HOUR-24HOURS TO NOW/HOUR+1HOUR]
facet.query=pub:[NOW/DAY-7DAYS TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]
facet.query=pub:[NOW/DAY-1MONTH TO NOW/DAY+1DAY]
facet.query=pub:[NOW/DAY-1YEAR TO NOW/DAY+1DAY] 

...allthough depending on how precise you want to be with your ranges, you 
may want to round and subtract at finer granularity...



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