On 12/14/2010 9:13 AM, Tim Heckman wrote:
Once per day in the morning, I run a full index + optimize into an "on
deck" core. When this is complete, I swap the "on deck" with the live
core. A side-effect of this is that the version number / generation of
the live index just went backwards, since the "on deck" core does not
receive the 3x-per-hour deltas during the rest of the day.

The index directories that hang around have timestamps corresponding
to the daily full update, when the version number goes backward.

Now that you mention this, I too have really only noticed this problem when I am fiddling with things and doing a full reindex. This is the only time I swap cores on my master servers. Since full reindexes don't happen very often, that explains why I don't have a problem 95% of the time.

I found SOLR-1781 and posted a comment on it.



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