: I am trying to debug my queries and see how scoring is done. I have 6 cores 
: send the quesy to 6 shards and it's dismax handler (with search on various 
: fields with different boostings). I enable debug, and view source but I'm 
: to see the explanations. I'm returning ID and score as the "fl" field. Am I 

you'll need to provide us with more details -- what does your query URL 
look like? what does your request handler config look like? what does the 
response look like? (does it even have a debug section)

FWIW: doing a distributed query across the "example" setup from the 3x 
branch and the trunk i was able to see score explanations.

: supposed to retun something else to be able to see the explanation? or is it 
: because it's multi-core?

FYI: a terminology clarification: "Multi-core" is a term used to describe 
a single solr instance running multiple SolrCores (ie: using solr.xml) ... 
using the shards param is a refered to as "distributed search" ... they 
are orthoginal concepts.  you can do a distributed search across 
several solr instances that are not using multi-core, or you can 
query a core in a multi-core instance, or you can do a 
distributed search of several cores, some or all of which may be 
running as part or multi-core solr instances.


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