I think it must work with any version of solr. because it works url base (see 
config file). 

Attention to this point: Successfully tested on Apache Tomcat v6(should work on 
any other servlet container)


From: Ahmet Arslan <iori...@yahoo.com>
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Sent: Fri, December 17, 2010 3:22:37 AM
Subject: Re: how to config DataImport Scheduling

> I also have the same problem, i configure
> dataimport.properties file as shown
> in 
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/DataImportHandler#dataimport.properties_example
> but no change occur, can any one help me

What version of solr are you using? This seems a new feature. So it won't work 
on solr 1.4.1.


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