Oops! That seems to be the problem, since I am using 1.4.

Juan M.

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 8:40 PM, Alexey Serba <ase...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What Solr version do you use?
> It seems that sync flag has been added to 3.1 and 4.0 (trunk) branches
> and not to 1.4
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1721
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 11:21 PM, Juan Manuel Alvarez <naici...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I have been doing some tests, but it seems I can't make the
>> synchronize flag work.
>> I have made two tests:
>> 1) DIH with commit=false
>> 2) DIH with commit=false + commit via Solr XML update protocol
>> And here are the log results:
>> For (1) the command is
>> "/solr/dataimport?command=delta-import&commit=false&synchronous=true"
>> and the first part of the output is:
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport params={command=status} status=0 
>> QTime=0
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport
>> params={schema=testproject&dbHost=!&dbName=fzm&commit=false&dbUser=fzm&command=delta-import&projectId=1&synchronous=true&dbPort=5432}
>> status=0 QTime=4
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImporter
>> doDeltaImport
>> INFO: Starting Delta Import
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter
>> readIndexerProperties
>> INFO: Read dataimport.properties
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DocBuilder doDelta
>> INFO: Starting delta collection.
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:42:51 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DocBuilder
>> collectDelta
>> For (2) the commands are
>> "/solr/dataimport?command=delta-import&commit=false&synchronous=true"
>> and "/solr/update?commit=true&waitFlush=true&waitSearcher=true" and
>> the first part of the output is:
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport params={command=status} status=0 
>> QTime=0
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport
>> params={schema=testproject&dbHost=!&dbName=fzm&commit=false&dbUser=fzm&command=delta-import&projectId=1&synchronous=true&dbPort=5432}
>> status=0 QTime=1
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore execute
>> INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/dataimport params={command=status} status=0 
>> QTime=0
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImporter
>> doDeltaImport
>> INFO: Starting Delta Import
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.SolrWriter
>> readIndexerProperties
>> INFO: Read dataimport.properties
>> Dec 8, 2010 4:22:50 PM org.apache.solr.update.DirectUpdateHandler2 commit
>> INFO: start 
>> commit(optimize=false,waitFlush=true,waitSearcher=true,expungeDeletes=false)
>> In (2) it seems like the commit is being fired before the delta-update 
>> finishes.
>> Am I using the "synchronous" flag right?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Juan M.
>> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Juan Manuel Alvarez <naici...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for all the help! It is really appreciated.
>>> For now, I can afford the parallel requests problem, but when I put
>>> synchronous=true in the delta import, the call still returns with
>>> outdated items.
>>> Examining the log, it seems that the commit operation is being
>>> executed after the operation returns, even when I am using
>>> commit=true.
>>> Is it possible to also execute the commit synchronously?
>>> Cheers!
>>> Juan M.
>>> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:29 PM, Alexey Serba <ase...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> When you say "two parallel requests from two users to single DIH
>>>>> request handler", what do you mean by "request handler"?
>>>> I mean DIH.
>>>>> Are you
>>>>> refering to the HTTP request? Would that mean that if I make the
>>>>> request from different HTTP sessions it would work?
>>>> No.
>>>> It means that when you have two users that simultaneously changed two
>>>> objects in the UI then you have two HTTP requests to DIH to pull
>>>> changes from the db into Solr index. If the second request comes when
>>>> the first is not fully processed then the second request will be
>>>> rejected. As a result your index would be outdated (w/o the latest
>>>> update) until the next update.

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