Thanks Markus for the insight!

I've figured out that initially conf files need to be put manually on
slaves so slaves know how to connect to master to start polling. I've
attempted several times to send this question of mine to solr-user
mailing list, got refused with spam qualifications, found it was
because email was in html format. After switching to plain text, email
reached mailing list but I've stripped off information during attempts
and didn't mention that replication of index data works - only conf
file replication doesn't work. Maybe hashes of conf files are the
issue here. Are they calculated automatically by master and slave? I
assume protocol is same as for index data, where slave issues
replicaiton request, gets in response list of conf files with metadata
including hashes that master calculated for its conf files configured
for replication, slave then calculates hashes of its local conf files
and does comparison with metadata received from master, and decides
whether to download or not conf files.

SolrReplication wiki page mentions "Only files in the 'conf' dir of
the solr instance are replicated."  (wish I could underline that "solr
instance" fragment) - in my case there are two cores/indexes on single
solr instance, where each core has its own /conf (and /data) dir -
since index data replication works well (appropriate core index data
is replicated) I assume that it's only wrong/incomplete sentence that
instance conf dir is mentioned and not core conf dir.

Same wiki page also mentiones "The files are replicated only along
with a fresh index. That means even if a file is changed in the master
the file is replicated only after there is a new commit/optimize on
the master. ". This sentence doesn't mention after startup conf files
replication. Does this mean that schema.xml replication will not occur
after master startup until commit/optimize is issued in case when all
of the following is done:
- schema.xml is listed in confFiles
- master is configured to replicateAfter startup, or commit or optimize
- master gets brought down
- master index data is deleted
- master schema.xml is changed
- and master is started up again?


On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Markus Jelsma
<> wrote:
> Check your configuration and log file. And, remember, log files will only get
> replicated if their hashes are different. And, new configuration files will 
> not
> be replicated, you'll need to upload them to the slaves manually for the first
> time. Slaves will not replicate what they don't have.
>> Hello Apache Solr users,
>> I have master-slave replication setup, and slave is getting index data
>> replicated but not configured confFiles. What could be the problem?
>> Solr 1.4.1 is used.
>> Regards,
>> Stevo.

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