> Something weird is happening.
> I have locations that can have 1 or more themes.
> A theme can be: "Kasteel en Landgoed", or a theme can be
> "Strand en Zee"
> I checked in the database, there are many locations that
> have 1 or more of
> these themes assigned to it.
> Also in the response xml when I do a general search I get:
> <lst name="facet_counts">
> <lst name="facet_queries"/>
> <lst name="facet_fields">
> <lst name="themes_raw">
>     <int name="Hotel en
> Restaurant">366</int>
>     <int name="Kasteel en
> Landgoed">153</int>    <----- 153
> found
>     <int name="Strand en
> Zee">16</int>    <----- 16 found
> </lst>
> When I request this:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/db/select/?indent=on&facet=true&fq=themes:%22Strand%20en%20Zee%22&q=*:*&fl=id,title
> I get 16 results. Which is expected.
> When I request this:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/db/select/?indent=on&facet=true&fq=themes:%22Kasteel%20en%20Landgoed%22&q=*:*&fl=id,title
> I get 0 results!!!
> why?!?

May be you deleted those documents? Deleted terms can appear in facet section 
until you optimize. Can you run these queries after an optimize operation?
What is the output of this after an optimize :

Also using browser to query/test solr sometimes gives old results due to http 

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