The config files support XInclude. Some sites use this to include a
local configuration that affects your single global file.

On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 10:53 AM, Zach Friedland <> wrote:
> We have a large number of solr cores that are used by different groups for
> different purposes.  To make the source control simple, we keep a single
> 'multicore' directory and solr.xml references all cores.  We deploy the same
> configuration to all servers (shared NFS mount), and then only populate the
> indexes of the cores that we want running on that server.  However, it still
> seems wasteful to have the cores running where we know they won't be used.  
> What
> I'd like to be able to do is define properties that will allow me to enable 
> and
> disable cores via JVM params on startup.  I was hoping to use the 'enable'
> parameter that is supported elsewhere in solr, but it didn't seem to be
> respected in solr.xml.  Here's the syntax I tried in my solr.xml file:
>  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
>    <core name="businessUnit1" instanceDir="businessUnit1"
> enable="${solr.enable.core.businessUnit1:true}"/>
>    <core name="businessUnit2" instanceDir="businessUnit2"
> enable="${solr.enable.core.businessUnit2:true}"/>
>    <core name="businessUnit3" instanceDir="businessUnit3"
> enable="${solr.enable.core.businessUnit3:true}"/>
>    <core name="businessUnit4" instanceDir="businessUnit4"
> enable="${solr.enable.core.businessUnit4:true}"/>
>    <core name="businessUnit5" instanceDir="businessUnit5"
> enable="${solr.enable.core.businessUnit5:true}"/>
>  </cores>
> Another idea is that I have solr1.xml, solr2.xml, solr3.xml, solr4.xml (etc);
> and then have some property that tells the JVM which solr.xml version to load
> (and each xml file would have only the cores that that instance needs).  But I
> couldn't find any property that controls which xml file is loaded for
> multicore.  Is the code hard-coded to look for solr.xml?
> Thanks

Lance Norskog

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