I have a couple of questions regarding Solr usage:

   1. Certain requests can be sent to different paths (handlers?). For
      example, the MoreLikeThis component can being sent to either
      /select or /mlt.

I have found these two links in the Solr wiki:



What is the reasoning behind this setup? If I decide to send my
MoreLikeThis requests to /mlt does this mean I can not utilize any
/select specific calls - if there is even such a thing - such as facets
- ? If not, can a /select path can be configured to handle all requests
from Spellcheck to Clustering?

   1. How do you escape double character special strings (&&, ||) in Lucene?


Do I escape the first character only (\&&) or do I escape both? And when
do I need to escape them? A couple of tests that I performed on the
example server provided in the Solr package were inconclusive:


Still returns results,

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