On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 01:56:27PM -0500, Brian Burke said:
> This sounds like it could be garbage collection related, especially 
> with a heap that large.  Depending on your jvm tuning, a FGC could 
> take quite a while, effectively 'pausing' the JVM.
> Have you looked at something like jstat -gcutil or similar to monitor 
> the garbage collection?

I think you may have hit the nail on the head. 

Having checked the configuration again I noticed that the -server flag 
didn't appear to be present in the options passed to Java (I'm convinced 
it used to be there). As I understand it, this would mean that the 
Parallel GC wouldn't be implicitly enabled.

If that's true then that's a definite strong candidate for causing the 
root process and only the root process to peg a single CPU.

Anybody have any experience of the differences between



-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC with -XX:+UseParNewGC


I believe -XX:+UseParallelGC  is the default with -server so I suppose 
that's a good place to start but I'd appreciate any anecdotes or 

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