Well, slaves to show different things in the replication.jsp page.

Master  http://10cc:8080/solr/replication
Poll Interval   00:00:10
Local Index     Index Version: 1294666552434, Generation: 2515
        Location: /var/lib/solr/data/index
        Size: 4.65 GB
        Times Replicated Since Startup: 934 

Where master nodes (or slaves where enabled=false) show:

Local Index     Index Version: 1294666552449, Generation: 2530
        Location: /var/lib/solr/data/index
        Size: 4.65 GB 

On Wednesday 12 January 2011 17:24:57 Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
> Hi Will,
> I don't think we have a clean "master" or "slave" label anywhere in the
> Admin UI.
> Otis
> ----
> Sematext :: http://sematext.com/ :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
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> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Will Milspec <will.mils...@gmail.com>
> > To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> > Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 11:18:17 AM
> > Subject: Where does admin UI visually distinguish between "master" and
> "slave"?
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm getting started with a master/slave configuration for two  solr
> > instances.  Two distinguish between 'master' and 'slave', I've set  he
> > system properties (e.g. "-Dmaster.enabled") and using the same 
> > 'solrconfig.xml'.
> > 
> > I can see via the system properties admin UI that the  jvm (and thus
> > solr) sees correct values, i.e.:
> > enable.master =  false
> > enable.slave = true
> > 
> > However, the replication admin UI is  identical for both 'master' and
> > 'slave'. (i.e.
> > http://localhost:8983/solr/production/admin/replication/index.jsp)
> > 
> > I'd  like a clearer visual confirmation that the master node is indeed a
> > master  and the slave is a slave.
> > 
> > Summary question:
> > Does the admin UI   distinguish betwen "master and slave"?
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > will

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
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