Maybe there is a better solution, but I think that you can solve this
problem using facets. You will get the number of documents where each term
appears. Also, you can filter a specific set of terms by entering a query
like "+field:term1 OR +field:term2 OR ...", or using the facet.query


Juan Grande

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Aaron Bycoffe <> wrote:

> I'm attempting to calculate term frequency across multiple documents
> in Solr. I've been able to use TermVectorComponent to get this data on
> a per-document basis but have been unable to find a way to do it for
> multiple documents -- that is, get a list of terms appearing in the
> documents and how many times each one appears. I'd also like to be
> able to filter the list of terms to be able to see how many times a
> specific term appears, though this is less important.
> Is there a way to do this in Solr?
> Aaron

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