
will try to give you a few answers :)

It's completely okay, when various documents don't use all fields .. that's
how solr works. For Sorting related to missing Values, you might Search
for sortMissingLast / sortMissingFirst .

The second paragraph sounds like is available for


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Matthias Pigulla <> wrote:

> Dear Solr-users,
> is there a compilation of FAQs particularly targeting at schema design? I
> have a two questions that probably have been asked before:
> - I have to map different kinds of documents into my schema. Some of these
> documents have one or multiple time/dates that might be relevant for
> querying or sorting. I feel that it would be best to keep dates with
> different semantics in different fields. Does it pose any problems when some
> of these fields are filled only for certain documents? Probably when such a
> field is used for sorting, documents not providing a field value will be at
> one end of the result set, depending on sort order?
> - Sometimes several documents belong together as they are part of a bigger
> concept. I could keep a reference to this concept along with every document
> in the index. Now would it be possible to perform a search where hits on
> documents are grouped by these concepts? That is, I would like to get a
> result list that contains *only one* entry per concept but for each of these
> entry gives me a hit which document(s) contained the match?
> Thanks a lot!
> -mp.

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