I've checked the archive, and plenty of people have suggested an arrangement where you can have two cores which share a configuration but maintain separate data paths. But I can't seem to get solr to stop thinking solrconfig.xml is the first and last word for any value regarding data. I am running 1.4


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true">
<cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
<core name="staff" instanceDir="cores/staff/">
<property name="dataDir" value="/solr/data/staff"/>
<core name="staff-offline" instanceDir="cores/staff/">
<property name="dataDir" value="/solr/data/staff-offline"/>

In all other respects, my multicore setup is working as it should. So the setup is finding solr.xml at the value set for solr home as it should. I can get into admin, etc. However, if I comment out the <dataDir> stanza in cores/staff/conf/solrconfig.xml, and restart, I just get this:

WARNING: [staff] Solr index directory '/usr/local/solr/cores/staff/data/index' doesn't exist. Creating new index...

Ignoring the value set in solr.xml.

Is there some other override I'm ignoring?



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