Hi all,

I have an index containing a couple of million documents.
Documents are grouped into "groups", each group contains from 1000-20000

The problem:
Each group has defined permission settings. It can be viewed by public,
viewed by registred users, or viewed by a list of users (each group has her
own list of users).
Said differently: I need a document security.

What I read from the other threads it is not recommended to store
permissions in the index. I have already all the permissions in the
database, but I don't "know" how to connect the database and the index.
I can query the database to get the groups in which the user is and after
that do the OR query, but I am afraid that this list can be too big (100
OR's could also exceeds maximum HTTP GET query string length).

What are the other options? Should I write a custom collector which will
query (and cache) the database for permissions?

Any ideas are appreciated...

Many thanks, Rok

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