Any One

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Ahson Iqbal <> wrote:

> Hi All
> I want to integrate lucene Surround Query Parser with solr 1.4.1, and for
> that I
> am writing Custom Query Parser Plugin, To accomplish this task I should
> write a
> sub class of "" and implement its two
> methods
> public void init(NamedList nl)
> public QParser createParser(String string, SolrParams sp, SolrParams sp1,
> SolrQueryRequest sqr)
> now here createParser should return an object of a subclass of
> "", but I need a parser of type
> "org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.parser.QueryParser" which is not a
> subclass of ""
> Now my question is should I write a sub class
> of "" and internally create an object
> of "org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.parser.QueryParser" and call its
> parse method? if so how the mapping
> "org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query.SrndQuery" (that is
> returned "org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.parser.QueryParser" )
> would be
> done with "" (that should be returned from
> parse
> method of a query parser of type "")
> Thanx
> Ahsan

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