The parsed data is only sent to the Solr index of you tell a segment to be 
indexed; solrindex <crawldb> <linkdb> <segment>

If you did this only once after injecting  and then the consequent 
fetch,parse,update,index sequence then you, of course, only see those URL's. 
If you don't index a segment after it's being parsed, you need to do it later 

On Wednesday 09 February 2011 04:29:44 .: Abhishek :. wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I am a newbie to nutch and solr. Well relatively much newer to Solr than
> Nutch :)
>  I have been using nutch for past two weeks, and I wanted to know if I can
> query or search on my nutch crawls on the fly(before it completes). I am
> asking this because the websites I am crawling are really huge and it takes
> around 3-4 days for a crawl to complete. I want to analyze some quick
> results while the nutch crawler is still crawling the URLs. Some one
> suggested me that Solr would make it possible.
>  I followed the steps in
> for this. By
> this process, I see only the injected URLs are shown in the Solr search. I
> know I did something really foolish and the crawl never happened, I feel I
> am missing some information here. I think somewhere in the process there
> should be a crawling happening and I missed it out.
>  Just wanted to see if some one could help me pointing this out and where I
> went wrong in the process. Forgive my foolishness and thanks for your
> patience.
> Cheers,
> Abi

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
050-8536620 / 06-50258350

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