I am trying to use the regex transformer but it's not returning anything. 
Either my regex is wrong, or I've done something else wrong in the setup of the
entity.  Is there any way to debug this?  Making a change and waiting 7 minutes
to reindex the entity sucks.

<entity name="boxshot"
  query="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(i.url, ',') boxshot_url,
 GROUP_CONCAT(i2.url, ',') boxshot_url_small FROM games g
         left join image_sizes i ON g.box_image_id = i.id AND i.size_type = 39
         left join image_sizes i2 on g.box_image_id = i2.id AND i2.size_type = 
         WHERE g.game_seo_title = '${game.game_seo_title}'
         GROUP BY g.game_seo_title">
    <field name="main_image" regex="^(.*?)," sourceColName="boxshot_url" />
    <field name="small_image" regex="^(.*?)," sourceColName="boxshot_url_small" 

This returns columns that are either null, or have some comma-separated strings.
I want the bit up to the first comma, if it exists.

Ideally I could have it log the query and the input/output
of the field statements.

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