Hi all,

I'm attempting to set up a simple Solr Cloud, right now almost directly from 
the tutorial at: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud

I'm attempting to set up a simple 1 shard cloud, across two servers. I'm not 
sure I understand the architecture behind this, but what I'm after is two 
copies of a single shard, so that if a single server goes down I will still 
have a full index available.

I have two servers set up with 1 shard between them, however when I load data 
(from exampledocs) into one of the servers and then run a distributed search, 
when the server I load data into handles the query I get a result, but if the 
other server handles it I get nothing. All queries are run using the URL for 
one server, but I can see from the CLI output which server is actually handling 
the request.

I'm working on the latest nightly build (apache-solr-4.0-2011-02-10_08-27-09), 
although I've tried a couple of different nightly builds over the last week or 
so with the same effect.

My solr/solr.xml contains:
<solr persistent="false">
  <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" defaultCoreName="collection1">
    <core name="collection1" instanceDir="." shard="shard1" />

If someone could point out what I'm doing wrong or where I need to look to 
correct my configuration that'd be fantastic.

Thanks in advance.


chop($_=<>);@s=split/ /;foreach$m(@s){if($m=='*'){$z=pop@t;$x=

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