Uh, how about the LuceneQParser? It does some checks and can return 
appropriate error messages.

On Thursday 17 February 2011 06:44:16 csj wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if it is possible to let the user build up a Solr Query and have
> it validated by some java API before sending it to Solr.
> Is there a parser that could help with that? I would like to help the user
> building a valid query as she types by showing messages like "The query is
> not valid" or purhaps even more advanced: "The parentheses are not
> balanced".
> Maybe one day it would also be possible to analyse the semantics of the
> query like: "This query has a build-in inconsistency because the two dates
> you have specified requires documents to be before AND after these date".
> But this is far future...
> Regards,
> Christian Sonne Jensen

Markus Jelsma - CTO - Openindex
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