Or even better, search with 'LSA'.

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Walter Underwood <wun...@wunderwood.org> wrote:
> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=SLA
> wunder
> On Feb 17, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Dennis Gearon wrote:
>> What's an 'LSA'
>> Dennis Gearon
>> Signature Warning
>> ----------------
>> It is always a good idea to learn from your own mistakes. It is usually a 
>> better
>> idea to learn from others’ mistakes, so you do not have to make them 
>> yourself.
>> from 'http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/security/?p=4501&tag=nl.e036'
>> EARTH has a Right To Life,
>> otherwise we all die.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Stijn Vanhoorelbeke <stijn.vanhoorelb...@gmail.com>
>> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org; bing...@asu.edu
>> Sent: Thu, February 17, 2011 4:28:13 AM
>> Subject: Re: My Plan to Scale Solr
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently looking at SolrCloud. I've managed to set up a scalable
>> cluster with ZooKeeper.
>> ( see the examples in http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud for a quick
>> understanding )
>> This way, all different shards / replicas are stored in a centralised
>> configuration.
>> Moreover the ZooKeeper contains out-of-the-box loadbalancing.
>> So, lets say - you have 2 different shards and each is replicated 2 times.
>> Your zookeeper config will look like this:
>> \config
>> ...
>>   /live_nodes (v=6 children=4)
>>          lP_Port:7500_solr (ephemeral v=0)
>>          lP_Port:7574_solr (ephemeral v=0)
>>          lP_Port:8900_solr (ephemeral v=0)
>>          lP_Port:8983_solr (ephemeral v=0)
>>     /collections (v=20 children=1)
>>          collection1 (v=0 children=1) "configName=myconf"
>>               shards (v=0 children=2)
>>                    shard1 (v=0 children=3)
>>                         lP_Port:8983_solr_ (v=4)
>> "node_name=lP_Port:8983_solr url=http://lP_Port:8983/solr/";
>>                         lP_Port:7574_solr_ (v=1)
>> "node_name=lP_Port:7574_solr url=http://lP_Port:7574/solr/";
>>                         lP_Port:8900_solr_ (v=1)
>> "node_name=lP_Port:8900_solr url=http://lP_Port:8900/solr/";
>>                    shard2 (v=0 children=2)
>>                         lP_Port:7500_solr_ (v=0)
>> "node_name=lP_Port:7500_solr url=http://lP_Port:7500/solr/";
>>                         lP_Port:7574_solr_ (v=1)
>> "node_name=lP_Port:7574_solr url=http://lP_Port:7574/solr/";
>> --> This setup can be realised, by 1 ZooKeeper module - the other solr
>> machines need just to know the IP_Port were the zookeeper is active & that's
>> it.
>> --> So no configuration / installing is needed to realise quick a scalable /
>> load balanced cluster.
>> Disclaimer:
>> ZooKeeper is a relative new feature - I'm not sure if it will work out in a
>> real production environment, which has a tight SLA pending.
>> But - definitely keep your eyes on this stuff - this will mature quickly!
>> Stijn Vanhoorelbeke
> --
> Walter Underwood
> Venture ASM, Troop 14, Palo Alto

Lance Norskog

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