: to our indexing service are defined in a central interface.   Here is an
: example of a query executed from a programmatically constructed Lucene
: query.
: solrQuery.setQuery(query.toString());

first of all, be advised that Query.toString() is not garunteed to produce 
a string that the Lucene QueryParser can parse back into a real query.  If 
you are programaticly building up a Lucene query just to format it back as 
a string, you should probably consider just programaticly building up the 
Solr query string.

Second: you should also consider the fact that there may be better ways to 
express your query to solr that are more efficient, or do what you want 
more then what you had before (ie: some of those MUST clauses you had 
probably are ment to act as "filters", which don't need to influence the 
scores, and are most likely reused on many queries -- in which case 
specifying them using "fq" instead of "q" is going to make things 
simpler/faster and give you better relevancy scores on your real user 

: How can I set the sort into the java client?

Did you look at the "SolrQuery.addSortField" method?

: Also, with the annotations of Pojo's outlined here.
: How are sets handled?  For instance, how are Lists of other POJO's added to
: the document?

i had no idea, but a google serach for "solrj annotation beans" lead me...
  ...and then to...


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