On Feb 1, 2011, at 08:58 , Estrada Groups wrote:

> Has anyone noticed the rails application that installs with Solr4.0? I am 
> interested to hear some feedback on that one...

I guess you're talking about the client/ruby/flare stuff?   It's been untouched 
for quite a while and has not been upgraded to Rails3.  It still works, and has 
a lot of (in my biased opinion! :) slick features that folks can borrow from.  
At one point Koji had a public demo site using it that I thought was way cool.  
Flare was used as a basis for the initial version of Blacklight 
<http://projectblacklight.org/>.  Blacklight has since evolved dramatically 
into a very full featured (and mostly general purpose) way cool front-end to 

I still sometimes fire up Flare for demonstration purposes (saved searches that 
become facet.query's, Simile Timeline integration, and pie charts demo nicely).

At this point, Flare is as-is... try it out if you are Ruby/Rails savvy.


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