Thanks, but just to confirm the way multiValued fields work:

In a multiValued field, call it field1, if I have two values indexed to this field, say value 1 = "some text...termA...more text" and value 2 = "some text...termB...more text" and do a search such as field1:(termA termB) (where <solrQueryParser defaultOperator="AND"/>) I'm getting a hit returned even though both terms don't occur within a single value in the multiValued field.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way of applying the query against each value of the field rather than against the field in its entirety. The reason being is the number of values I want to store is variable and I'd like to avoid the use of dynamic fields or restructuring the index if possible.


On 2/03/11 12:35 AM, Steven A Rowe wrote:
Hi Scott,

Querying against a multi-valued field just works - no special incantation 


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Yeadon []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 11:50 PM
Subject: Query on multivalue field


I have a variable number of text-based fields associated with each
primary record which I wanted to apply a search across. I wanted to
avoid the use of dynamic fields if possible or having to create a
different document type in the index (as the app is based around the
primary record and different views mean a lot of work to revamp
pagination etc).

So, is there a way to apply a query to each value of a multivalued field
or is it always treated as a "single" field from a query perspective?



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