The Sourcesense Solr Packager team is pleased to announce the
solr-packager-site-1.0.1 release!

Solr-Packager is a Maven archetype to package Standalone Apache Solr
embedded in Tomcat, brought to you by Sourcesense.

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o Distribute the archetype-catalog.xml descriptor in the site.  Issue: 3.

Fixed Bugs:
o Conformed environment names: testing->test, staging->stage.  Issue: 1.

o Web application is a proper webapp managed by the war plugin.  Issue: 2.

More details on how to use it can be found on, artifacts are already on
Maven Central repository.

Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome, contact us if you have a feature request!
Have fun!
- Simo, on behalf of Sourcesense team

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