: So how do I define, for a given request-handler, a special query component?
: I did not find in this in the schema.

you mean solrocnfig.xml, again.

Taken directly from the SearchHandler URL i sent you...

> If you want to have a custom list of components (either omitting 
> defaults or adding custom components) you can specify the components for 
> a handler directly:
>    <arr name="components">
>      <str>query</str>
>      <str>facet</str>
>      <str>mlt</str>
>      <str>highlight</str>
>      <str>debug</str>
>      <str>someothercomponent</str>
>    </arr>

...so if you don't wnat to use "query" and you want to use 
"mySpecialQueryComponent" it would be ...

   <arr name="components">

...the SearchComponent URL i sent, as well as the 
example/solr/conf/solrconfig.xml file that ships with solr also has 
examples of how/when you can specify an explicit components list


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