Hi Dan,

Yes, you're right - in fact that was precisely what I was thinking of
doing! Also looking at SOLR-1298 & SOLR-1566 - which would be good for
applying functions generically rather than on a per-use-case basis.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 3:58 PM, dan sutton <danbsut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As a workaround can you not have a search component run after the
> querycomponent, and have the qty_ordered,unit_price as stored fields
> and returned with the fl parameter and have your custom component do
> the calc, unless you need to sort by this value too?
> Dan
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Peter Sturge <peter.stu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was wondering if it is possible during a query to create a returned
>> field 'on the fly' (like function query, but for concrete values, not
>> score).
>> For example, if I input this query:
>>   q=_val_:"product(15,3)"&fl=*,score
>> For every returned document, I get score = 45.
>> If I change it slightly to add *:* like this:
>>   q=*:* _val_:"product(15,3)"&fl=*,score
>> I get score = 32.526913.
>> If I try my use case of _val_:"product(qty_ordered,unit_price)", I get
>> varying scores depending on...well depending on something.
>> I understand this is doing relevance scoring, but it doesn't seem to
>> tally with the FunctionQuery Wiki
>> [example at the bottom of the page]:
>>   q=boxname:findbox+_val_:"product(product(x,y),z)"&fl=*,score
>> ...where score will contain the resultant volume.
>> Is there a trick to getting not a score, but the actual value of
>> quantity*price (e.g. product(5,2.21) == 11.05)?
>> Many thanks

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