I want to enquire the patch for namedistinct(SOLR-2242-distinctFacet.patch) available with solr4.0 trunk

On Monday 14 March 2011 08:05 PM, Jonathan Rochkind wrote:
It's not easy if you have lots of facet values (in my case, can even be up to a million), but there is no way built-in to Solr to get this. I have been told that some of the faceting strategies (there are actually several in use in Solr based on your parameters and the nature of your data) return the page of facet values without actually counting all possible facet values, which is what would make this difficult. But I have not looked at the code myself.


On 3/11/2011 7:33 AM, Erick Erickson wrote:
There's nothing that I know of that gives you this, but it's
simple to count the members of the list yourself...


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 3:34 AM, rajini maski<rajinima...@gmail.com> wrote:
Query on facet field results...

       When I run a facet query on some field say : facet=on&
facet.field=StudyID I get list of distinct StudyID list with the count that tells that how many times did this study occur in the search query. But I also needed the count of these distinct StudyID list.. Any solr query to get
count of it..


<lst name="*facet_fields*">

<lst name=" StudyID ">

<int name="*105*">135164</int>

<int name="*179*">79820</int>

<int name="*107*">70815</int>

<int name="*120*">37076</int>

<int name="*134*">35276</int>



I wanted the count attribute that shall return the count of number of
different studyID occurred .. In above example it could be : Count = 5

<lst name="*facet_fields*">

<lst name=" StudyID "  COUNT=5>

<int name="*105*">135164</int>

<int name="*179*">79820</int>

<int name="*107*">70815</int>

<int name="*120*">37076</int>

<int name="*134*">35276</int>



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