: Hi all, I am trying to use a custom search filter
: (org.apache.lucene.search.Filter) but I am unsure of where I should configure
: this.
: Would I have to create my own SearchHandler that would wrap this logic in? Any
: example/suggestions out there?

the easiest way to plugin a custom Filter is to wrap it in a 
ConstantScoreQuery and use it as part of the "filters" that 
SolrIndexSearcher applies (that way it will be cached independently and 
can be reused)

you could do this in a SearchComponent where you decide when to 
generate the Filter based on query params and then add it explicitly (see 

or you could do it in a QParserPlugin, in which case clients 
could optionally enable it by refering ot your QParser by name in the 
local params of an "fq" param.


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