Hi Jayendra,
                I forgot to mention the result also depends on the group of
user too.... It is some wat complex so i didnt tell it.. now i explain the
exact way..

  user1, group1 -> java1, c1,sap1
  user2 ,group2-> java2, c2,sap2
  user3 ,group1,group3-> java3, c3,sap3
  user4 ,group3-> java4, c4,sap4
  user5 ,group3-> java5, c5,sap5

                             user1,group1 means user1 belong to group1

Here the filter includes the group too.., if for eg: user1 searches for
"java" then the results should show as java1,java3 since java3 file is
acessable to all users who are related to the group1, so i thought of to
edit the code...


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