--- On Thu, 3/24/11, cyang2010 <ysxsu...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> This solr query faile:
> 1. get every title regardless what the title_name is
> 2. within the result, boost the one which genre id =
> 56.  (bq=genres:56^100)
> http://localhost:8983/solr/titles/select?indent=on&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=standard&defType=dismax&qf=title_name_en_US&q=*%3A*&bq=genres%3A56^100&debugQuery=on
> But from debug i can tell it confuse the boost query
> parameter as part of
> query string:
> lst name="debug">
> str name="rawquerystring">*:*
> str name="querystring">*:*
> str name="parsedquery">+() () genres:56^100.0
> str name="parsedquery_toString">+() () genres:56^100.0
> lst name="explain"/>
> str name="QParser">DisMaxQParser
> null name="altquerystring"/>
> −
> arr name="boost_queries">
> str>genres:56^100
> /arr>

With dismax, you cannot use semicolon or field queries. Instead of &q=*:* you 
can try q.alt=*:* (do not use q parameter at all)

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