> I need to code some boosting logic when some field equal to
> some value.   I
> was able to get it work if using dismax query parser. 
> However, since the
> solr query will need to handle prefix or fuzzy query,
> therefore, dismax
> query parser is not really my choice.  
> Therefore, i want to use standard query parser, but still
> have dismax's
> boosting query logic.  For example, this query return
> all the titles
> regardless what the value is, however, will boost the score
> of those which
> genres=5237:
> http://localhost:8983/solr/titles/select?indent=on&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&wt=standard&explainOther=&hl.fl=&qt=standard&q={!boost%20b=genres:5237^2.2}*%3A*&debugQuery=on
> Here is the exception i get:
> org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException: Expected ','
> at position 6 in
> 'genres:5237^2.2'

BoostingQParserPlugin takes a FunctionQuery. In your case it is lucene/solr 
query. If you want to boost by solr/lucene query, you can add that clause as 
optional clause. Thats all.

q=+*:* genres:5237^2.2&q.op=OR  will do the trick. Just make sure that you are 
using OR as a default operator.

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