Ah cool, thanks for your help.

I'll get digging, and see what I can do.


On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 11:36 AM, Chris Hostetter

> : I can't seem to find any references to this issue anywhere except :
> : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1750
> :
> : (Which has more of a workaround), and it seems that the
> SolrInfoMBeanHandler
> : is not in the 1.4.1 build.
> correct, it will be in 3.1 however.
> it's not so much a workarround as it is a total abandonment of stats.jsp
> in favor of something that is easier to test, maintain, and use.
> : Any help would be appreciated, so I can tune the caching settings on my
> : install (which so far is screaming along, but it's always good to have
> more
> : speed).
> the one thing i can suggest that should work out of the box with solr
> 1.4.1 is to config solr to use JMX and then run a JMX client to query solr
> for those stats...
>        http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrJmx
> ...that bypasses the stupid jsp completley.
> -Hoss

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