On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Tom Mortimer <t...@flax.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's my problem: I'm indexing a corpus with text in a variety of
> languages. I'm planning to detect these at index time and send the
> text to one of a suitably-configured field (e.g. "mytext_de" for
> German, "mytext_cjk" for Chinese/Japanese/Korean etc.)

> At search time I want to search all of these fields. However, there
> will be at least 12 of them, which could lead to a very long query
> string. (Also I need to use the standard query parser rather than
> dismax, for full query syntax.)

Sorry, unable to understand this. Are you detecting the language,
and based on that, indexing to one of mytext_de, mytext_cjk, etc.,
or does each field have mixed languages? If the former, why could
you not also detect the language at query time (or, have separate
query sources for users of different languages), and query the
appropriate field based on the known language to be searched?

> Therefore I was wondering if there was a way to copy fields at search
> time, so I can have my mytext query in a single field and have it
> copied to mytext_de, mytext_cjk etc. Something like:
>   <copyQueryField source="mytext" dest="mytext_de" />
>   <copyQueryField source="mytext" dest="mytext_cjk" />
>  ...
> If this is not currently possible, could someone give me some pointers
> for hacking Solr to support it? Should I subclass solr.SearchHandler?
> I know nothing about Solr internals at the moment...

This is not possible as far as I know, and would be quite inefficient.


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