On 4/1/2011 3:11 AM, Amel Fraisse wrote:
yes with this link : http://localhst:8983/solr/core1/admin  I have the same
message such :




Try adding a trailing slash to the URL -- http://localhost:8983/solr/core0/admin/ and http://localhost:8983/solr/core1/admin/ ... without that extra character, you will get an error message about a missing core name, which also happens if you leave the core name out, as you've already seen.

The error you've gotten above looks like core1 is just not working at all. Try core0 with the trailing slash, and see if you have links for both cores as Stefan asked.

Does jetty output any error messages during startup or when trying to access the URLs that do not work? Those messages might go to stderr or might be logged, depending on exactly how you have it configured. I believe that unless you've changed the logging configuration in jetty, they will go to stderr, so try starting it by hand and letting the error messages go to the console.


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