Hello Experts,

I am a Solr newbie but read quite a lot of docs. I still do not understand
what would be the best way to setup very large scale deployments:

Goal (threoretical):

 A.) Index-Size: 1 Petabyte (1 Document is about 5 KB in Size)

 B) Queries: 100000 Queries/ per Second

 C) Updates: 100000 Updates / per Second

Solr offers:

1.)    Replication => Scales Well for B)  BUT  A) and C) are not satisfied

2.)    Sharding => Scales well for A) BUT B) and C) are not satisfied (=> As
I understand the Sharding approach all goes through a central server, that
dispatches the updates and assembles the quries retrieved from the different
shards. But this central server has also some capacity limits...)

What is the right approach to handle such large deployments? I would be
thankfull for just a rough sketch of the concepts so I can experiment/search

Maybe I am missing something very trivial as I think some of the “Solr
Users/Use Cases” on the homepage are that kind of large deployments. How are
they implemented?

Thanky very much!!!


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