
At Cominvent we've often had the need to visualize the internal architecture of 
Apache Solr in order to explain both the relationships of the components as 
well as the flow of data and queries. The result is a conceptual architecture 
diagram, clearly showing how Solr relates to the app-server, how cores relate 
to a Solr instance, how documents enter through an UpdateRequestHandler, 
through an UpdateChain and Analysis and into the Lucene index etc.

The drawing is created using Google draw, and the original is shared on Google 
Docs. We have licensed the diagram under the permissive Creative Commons 
"CC-by" license which lets you use, modify and re-distribute the diagram, even 
commercially, as long as you attribute us with a link.

Check it out at http://ow.ly/4sOTm
We'd love your comments

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com

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