On 4/6/2011 10:55 AM, Robin Palotai wrote:
Therefore, Lucene supposedly has some advanced technique for multi-field
queries other than just taking the intersection of matching documents based
on the inverted index.

I don't think so, neccesarily. It's just that Lucene's algorithms to doing this is very fast, with some additional optimizations to make it even faster. There may be some edge cases where the optimizations take some shortcuts on top of this -- ie, if you ask for only the first ten facet values ordered by number of hits, in some cases solr/lucene won't even calculate the hit counts for facet values it already knows aren't going to be in the top 10. The facetting code in 1.4+ is actually kind of tangled, in that several different calculation approaches can be taken depending on the nature of the result set and schema.

But anyway, I think you're right that you could set up an rdbms schema to _conceptually_ allow very similar operations to a lucene index. It would be unlikely to perform as well, because the devil is in the details of the storage formats and algorithms, and lucene has been optimized for these particular cases (at the expense of not covering a great many cases that an rdbms can cover).

In fact, while I can't find it now on Google, I think someone HAS in the past written an extension to lucene to have it store it's indexes in an rdbms using a schema much like you describe, instead of in the file system. I'm not sure why they would want to do this instead of just using the rdbms -- either lucene's access algorithms still provide a performance benefit even when using an rdbms as the underlying 'file system', or lucene provides convenient functions that you wouldn't want to have to re-implement yourself solely in terms of an rdbms, or both. Ah, here's a brief reference to that approach in the lucene FAQ: http://wiki.apache.org/lucene-java/LuceneFAQ#Can_I_store_the_Lucene_index_in_a_relational_database.3F


So the question is, what is this technique/trick? More broadly: Why can
Lucene/Solr achieve better faceted search performance theoretically than
RDBMS could (if so)?

*Note: My first guess would be that Lucene would use some space partitioning
method for partitioning a vector space built from the document fields as
dimensions, but as I understand Lucene is not purely vector space based.*

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Erick Erickson<erickerick...@gmail.com>wrote:

Please re-post the question here so others can see
the discussion without going to another list.


On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 4:09 AM, Robin Palotai<m.palotai.ro...@gmail.com
Hello List,

Please see my question at

I would be interested to know some details.

Thank you,

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