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On Apr 6, 2011, at 8:12 AM, Erick Erickson wrote:

> Hmmm, this should work just fine. Here are my questions.
> 1> are you absolutely sure that the new synonym file
>     is available when reindexing?
Not sure what you mean here, solr is running as root, and the file is never 
moved around or anything crazy.
> 2> does the sunspot program do anything wonky with
>     the ids? The documents
>     will only be replaced if the IDs are identical.
Is there a way I can add debugging to show what it's doing with the IDs or 
something to view the index?  I tried using Luke, but I can't get it to 
actually show me the actual data of the objects, only the name and some other 
basic info.
> 3> are you sure that a commit is done at the end?
It appears that it commits a few times during reindexing.
> 4> What happens if you optimize? At that point, maxdocs
>     and numdocs should be the same, and should be the count
>     of documents. if they differ by a factor of 2, I'd suspect your
>     id field isn't being used correctly.
I'm unaware of what you mean by optimizing, or even viewing maxdocs and 
numdocs, but I will RTFM to find out.  I did notice something strange earlier 
though that may relate to this.  When I ran a search there were duplicate 
> If the hypothesis that you id field isn't working correctly, your number
> of hits should be going up after re-indexing...
> If none of that is relevant, let us know what you find and we'll
> try something else....
> Best
> Erick
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Preston Marshall 
> <>wrote:
>> Hello all, I am having an issue with Solr and the SynonymFilterFactory.  I
>> am using a library to interface with Solr called "sunspot."  I realize that
>> is not what this list is for, but I believe this may be an issue with Solr,
>> not the library (plus the lib author doesn't know the answer). I am using
>> the SynonymFilterFactory in my index-time analyzer, and it works great.  My
>> only problem is when it comes to changing the synonyms file.  I would expect
>> to be able to edit the file, run a reindex (this is through the library),
>> and have the new synonyms function when the reindex is complete.
>> Unfortunately this is not the case, as changing the synonyms file doesn't
>> actually affect the search results.  What DOES work is deleting the existing
>> index, and starting from scratch.  This is unacceptable for my usage though,
>> because I need the old index to remain online while the new one is being
>> built, so there is no downtime.
>> Here's my schema in case anyone needs it:
>> Thanks,
>> Preston
>> P.S. Sorry if this dupes, first post and I didn't see it show up in the
>> archives.

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