
Apparently, when one RELOADs a core, the synonyms file is not reloaded.  Is 

the expected behaviour?  Is it the desired behaviour?

Here's the use-case:
When one is doing purely query-time synonym expansion, ideally one would be 

to edit synonyms.txt and get it reloaded, so that the changes can start taking 
effect immediately.

One might think that RELOADing a Solr core would achieve this, but apparently 
this doesn't happen.  Should it?
Are there technical reasons why RELOADing a core should not reload the synonyms 
file? (other than if synonyms are used at index-time, changing the synonyms 
would mean that one has to reindex old docs in order for changes to synonyms to 
apply to old docs).

Issue https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-1307 mentions this a bit, but 
doesn't go in a lot of depth.

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