Hi all,
       i just made a duplication  of solrdispatchfilter as
solrdispatchfilter1 and solrdispatchfilter2 such that all the /update or
/update/extract things are passed through the solrdispatchfilter1
and all search (/select)  things are passes through the
solrdispatchfilter2. It is because i need to establish a privacy concern for
the search result.
I need to check whether the required user has access to the particular files
or not.. it was success in implementing the privacy of results.
one major problem i am getting is after indexing some documents and
commiting it, i am not getting the commited data in the search result, i am
getting the old data that was before commit...
But i get the result only after restarting the server.. can anyone tell me
where to modify such that the search will give the results from the recent

Thanks and Regards,

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