Not sure i fully understand,
If "facet.method=enum steps over all terms in the index for that field",
than what does setting the q=field:subset do? if i set the q=*:*, than how
do i get the frequency only on my subset?

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 4:40 PM, Yonik Seeley <>wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Ofer Fort <> wrote:
> > Another strange behavior is that the Qtime seems pretty stable, no matter
> > how many object match my query. 200K and 20K both take about 17s.
> > I would have guessed that since the time is going over all the terms of
> all
> > the subset documents, would mean that the more documents, the more time.
> facet.method=enum steps over all terms in the index for that field...
> that takes time regardless of how many documents are in the base set.
> There are also short-circuit methods that avoid looking at the docs
> for a term if it's docfreq is low enough that it couldn't possibly
> make it into the priority queue.  Because if this, it can actually be
> faster to facet on a larger base set (try *:* as the base query).
> Actually, it might be interesting to see the query time if you set
> facet.mincount equal to the number of docs in the base set - that will
> test pretty much just the time to enumerate over the terms without
> doing any set intersections at all.  Be careful not to set mincount
> greater than the number of docs in the base set though - solr will
> short-circuit that too and skip enumeration altogether.
> The work on the bulkpostings branch should definitely speed up your
> case even more - but I have no idea when it will "land" on trunk.
> -Yonik
> -- Lucene/Solr User Conference, May
> 25-26, San Francisco

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