Adding another field with another stemmer and searching both???  Wow never 
thought of doing that.  I guess that doesn't really double the size of your 
index tho because all the terms are almost the same right?  Let me look into 
that.  I'll raise the other issue in a separate thread and thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Em [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 1:55 AM
Subject: RE: stemming filter analyzers, any favorites?

Hi Robert,

we often ran into the same issue with stemmers. This is why we created more
than one field, each field with different stemmers. It adds some overhead
but worked quite well.

Regarding your off-topic-question:
Look at the debugging-output of your searches. Sometimes you configured your
tools, especially the WDF, wrong and the queryParser creates an unexpected
result which leads to unmatched but still relevant documents.

Please, show us your debugging-output and the field-definition so that we
can provide you some help!


Robert Petersen-3 wrote:
> I have been doing that, and for Bags example the trailing 's' is not being
> removed by the Kstemmer so if indexing the word bags and searching on bag
> you get no matches.  Why wouldn't the trailing 's' get stemmed off? 
> Kstemmer is dictionary based so bags isn't in the dictionary?   That
> trailing 's' should always be dropped no?  That seems like it would be
> better, we don't want to make synonyms for basic use cases like this.  I
> fear I will have to return to the Porter stemmer.  Are there other better
> ones is my main question.
> Off topic secondary question: sometimes I am puzzled by the output of the
> analysis page.  It seems like there should be a match, but I don't get the
> results during a search that I'd expect...  
> Like in the case if the WordDelimiterFilterFactory splits up a term into a
> bunch of terms before the K-stemmer is applied, sometimes if the matching
> term is in position two of the final analysis but the searcher had the
> partial term just alone and so thereby in position 1 in the analysis stack
> then when searching there wasn't a match.  Am I reading this correctly? 
> Is that right or should that match and I am misreading my analysis output?  
> Thanks!
> Robi
> PS  I have a category named Bags and am catching flack for it not coming
> up in a search for bag.  hah
> PPS the term is not in protwords.txt
> com.lucidimagination.solrworks.analysis.LucidKStemFilterFactory
> {protected=protwords.txt}
> term position         1
> term text     bags
> term type     word
> source start,end      0,4
> payload       
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erick Erickson [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: stemming filter analyzers, any favorites?
> You can get a better sense of exactly what tranformations occur when
> if you look at the analysis page (be sure to check the "verbose"
> checkbox).
> I'm surprised that "bags" doesn't match "bag", what does the analysis
> page say?
> Best
> Erick
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:44 PM, Robert Petersen <>
> wrote:
>> Stemming filter analyzers... anyone have any favorites for particular
>> search domains?  Just wondering what people are using.  I'm using Lucid
>> K Stemmer and having issues.   Seems like it misses a lot of common
>> stems.  We went to that because of excessively loose matches on the
>> solr.PorterStemFilterFactory
>> I understand K Stemmer is a dictionary based stemmer.  Seems to me like
>> it is missing a lot of common stem reductions.  Ie   Bags does not match
>> Bag in our searches.
>> Here is my analyzer stack:
>>                <fieldType name="text" class="solr.TextField"
>> positionIncrementGap="100">
>>                        <analyzer type="index">
>>                                <tokenizer
>> class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt"
>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
>>                                <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
>> ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt"/>
>>          <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory"
>>                generateWordParts="1"
>>                generateNumberParts="1"
>>                catenateWords="1"
>>                catenateNumbers="1"
>>                catenateAll="1"
>>                preserveOriginal="1"
>>                />                              <filter
>> class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="com.lucidimagination.solrworks.analysis.LucidKStemFilterFactory"
>> protected="protwords.txt"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory"/>
>>                        </analyzer>
>>                        <analyzer type="query">
>>                                <tokenizer
>> class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="query_synonyms.txt"
>> ignoreCase="true" expand="true"/>
>>                                <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory"
>> ignoreCase="true" words="stopwords.txt"/>
>>          <filter class="solr.WordDelimiterFilterFactory"
>>                generateWordParts="1"
>>                generateNumberParts="1"
>>                catenateWords="1"
>>                catenateNumbers="1"
>>                catenateAll="1"
>>                preserveOriginal="1"
>>                />                              <filter
>> class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="com.lucidimagination.solrworks.analysis.LucidKStemFilterFactory"
>> protected="protwords.txt"/>
>>                                <filter
>> class="solr.RemoveDuplicatesTokenFilterFactory"/>
>>                        </analyzer>
>>                </fieldType>

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