I have a field 'type' that has several values. If it's type 'foo' then 
it also has a field 'restriction_id'.

What I want is a filter query which says "either it's not a 'foo' or if 
it is then it has the restriction '1'"

I expect two matches - one of type 'bar' and one of type 'foo' 


 fq=(-type:foo OR restriction_id:1)
 fq={!dismax q.op=OR}-type:foo restriction_id:1

produce any results.


gets the 'foo' typed result.


get the 'bar' typed result.

Either of these

  fq=type:[* TO *] OR (type:foo AND restriction_id:1)
  fq=type:(bar OR quux OR fleeg) OR restriction_id:1

do work but are very, very slow to the point of unusability (our indexes 
are pretty large).

Searching round it seems like other people have experienced similar 
issues and the answer has been "Lucene just doesn't work like that"

"When dealing with Lucene people are strongly encouraged to think in 
terms of MUST, MUST_NOT and SHOULD (which are represented in the query 
parser as the prefixes "+", "-" and the default) instead of in terms of 
AND, OR, and NOT ... Lucene's Boolean Queries (and thus Lucene's 
QueryParser) is not a strict Boolean Logic system, so it's best not to 
try and think of it like one."


Am I just out of luck? Might edismax help here?


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